Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

What can you say about Hamlet, the main character of “Hamlet, Prince of Denmark”

By reworking the plot of the medieval legend and the old English play about Prince Amlet in the tragedy “Hamlet, Prince of Denmark”, William Shakespeare quite deeply displayed the tragedy of humanism in the modern world. Hamlet is an image of a humanist facing the world hostile to humanism. The insidious murder of his father reveals to his son the evil that reigns in the country. The duty to avenge the murder of his father is not a usual deed for Hamlet, but a blood revenge transferring into a public duty of struggle for a just cause, into a great and difficult historical task. However, in this struggle Hamlet hesitates, sometimes severely reproaching himself for inaction. Though it may sometimes seem that he is a naturally faint-hearted man, a thinker and a contemplative man incapable of decisive action, this is not true. His own tragedy shows a powerful force of feelings distinguishing the people of the Renaissance. He grieves for the death of his father and a shameful marriage of his mother. Hamlet loves Ophelia, but does not find happiness with her. His cruelty and hurtful words in his treatment of the girl testify the power of his love and disappointment.

Hamlet is noble and shares high humanistic ideas evoking a colossal bitterness, when he is confronted with the world of lies, crime, cunning and blasphemy. Hamlet is capable of great and faithful friendship. In his relationship he is free from feudal prejudice and values personal qualities, rather than the position occupied. His only close friend is Horatio. Hamlet welcomes people of art, namely actors. People love him and this makes the new king worried about his position in the country. Therefore, the character of Hamlet is both romantic and tragic making the reader sympathize with him and his wish to fight for justice.