Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

What can you say about Hamlet, the main character of “Hamlet, Prince of Denmark”

The personality of Prince Hamlet, one of Shakespeare's most famous heroes, still causes controversy among literary scholars and among readers. Some consider this hero to be too gentle, indecisive. Even such a concept appeared - “hamletism”. It characterizes people who doubt their right to cool actions (now it is fashionable to call it a “complex”). Proponents of a different point of view see Hamlet as almost a gladiator, a stoic fighter against world evil. So who is right? Let's try to see

The life of the Prince of Denmark was serene for the time being: he grew up in a family illuminated by the mutual love of his parents, was surrounded by friends and in love with a lovely girl who reciprocated. Ahead of him was the Danish throne and, possibly, a great future. And suddenly the familiar world in which Hamlet felt protected began to crumble.

Suddenly, in the prime of life, his father, the reigning monarch, dies. In the prince’s soul the bitterness of loss has not yet abated, and life deals him a second blow: Hamlet’s mother, Queen Gertrude, hastily marries Claudius, the brother of the late king. And, finally, the Phantom of the father that came from nothingness tells him the whole truth about what happened ("The serpent that struck your father put on his crown ...") and calls the prince to revenge.

But does Hamlet himself conform to the ideal of the man he proclaims? In my opinion, the answer to this question should be sought not so much in the words of the protagonist as in his actions. Having convinced Claudius of his guilt, Hamlet takes on the role of the avenger, but is not in a hurry with the act of retaliation. What is stopping him? It seems to me that the main reason for Hamlet’s slowness is hidden in his nature: he hates to commit evil even in revenge. It is at this moment that he poses the question: To be or not to be ..

Hamlet was the first from his circle to see the imperfection of the world, he is aware of his loneliness, understands his impotence, and yet enters into a confrontation. And by this he causes undeniable respect.