Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Types of families

There is no doubt that family is one of the most important things for any of us. Each family is different, and there are a lot of types of families. We can have a nuclear or extended family, and some people have one-parent family. Each of the types has its features and problems.

In nuclear families you do not see your relatives often, you only see your parents and siblings, while a child needs to spend time with their grandparents, cousins and etc. However, this problem can be solved easily. We just need to keep in touch with our relatives, even if we do not live together. It will allow us to enjoy the advantages of an extended family and avoid its disadvantages.

Extended families allow us to see more of our relatives every day, but it is hard to live with too many people, and their opinions may often differ. It may be hard for family members to understand each other, and it may lead to various arguments. To solve this problem everybody should remember that they are members of one family, and they should not be too strict with each other. Learning to find compromises is the best solution in this case.

One-parent families are the least lucky ones, as not only is it hard for a parent to bring up the children on their on, it is also painful for children. To solve this problem the parent who leaves the family should not forget that they are still responsible for the children, and the children need both parents to be in their life.

To sum up, each type of family has its pros and cons, but I think it is possible to solve the problems and make any family great for its members.