Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

The problem of choosing a place of residence has always been

The problem of choosing a place of residence has always been. People have always decided which city is better to live: in a big but noisy one or in a small but cozy one. In my opinion, this is an exclusively individual matter. Some people like the pleasant and calm climate of a small town, while others like the noisy and constantly moving atmosphere of a big city. To each his own. In my opinion, it is obvious that the city provides much more opportunities. In this regard, it is beyond competition.

However, the small town has picturesque landscapes that cannot be found in the urban jungle. In the village, everyone knows each other, and this gives the feeling that you are at home, and in the city you constantly meet people you don't know. As you can see, one and the other option have their own advantages and disadvantages, pros and cons.

It is necessary to tell about the other side of the coin, about the shortcomings of city life. In my opinion, the following disadvantages can be distinguished: indifference and the tendency of city residents to enter into strictly functional relations with each other.

To be honest, I am deeply impressed by the indifference and alienation of city dwellers. Every day hundreds, thousands of people rush past us, each has his own life, his own problems, and no one cares about another person.

It should be said that cities can be quiet and comfortable, and small towns are developed. However, the trend is that it is in the cities that the main innovations and discoveries are created. There you can earn the maximum amount of money and only there you can make your wildest dreams come true. But this does not mean that small cities are losing this battle. No. It just doesn't work for my purposes.