Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

The Most Beautiful Thing in the World

The most beautiful things in the world created by nature. Because nature is the best artist. She gives us sunsets, sunrises, fogs, thunderstorms, endless expanse of fields. All of her landscapes are created without a brush and easel.

Winter and summer, autumn and spring... Is, by and large, doesn't altogether matter. Nature is beautiful at any time of the year. You just need to stop and see.

Beautiful scenery – they already have. Just coming photographer takes a photo – get a piece of the beautiful nature. Landscape.

Landscape as a portrait, requires not a passing glance, but careful and concerned attention to work. And then the photo is transformed nature begins to come alive and share their secrets.

The wise who know the life people say, "Invest in the journey. What's the difference how old are your sneakers, if you walk in them in Paris?" And they are certainly right. However, to see all the beauty of our world, do not have to go to Paris. It will be enough to go away for the weekend, for example, for the city. Impressions may be lower than in the capital of France, but they are not less bright because nature is the best artist, architect and designer.

Even a short walk in the Park or on the waterfront, a sunset or the blue of the summer sky help you to relax, gain energy and feel the strength to work and to implement different ideas. Nature has always had a huge influence on the creative potential of the person and its emotional state. Even the ancient thinkers admired the beauty and depth of natural kinds, believing them to be the Acme of perfection. The immensity and incomprehensibility of the blue sky, the ocean depths, Prairie vistas create the illusion of immensity and infinity, and shoot human forces, energy and inspiration.

We spend a lot of time for different gadgets that you absolutely forget how beautiful the world around us. After all, nature is the main source of inspiration for all creative people, from photographers to musicians, from artists to poets and publicists. Everything created by nature is, well, absolutely, of course, and is in complete harmony. For us is not so much to break away from the screens and keep your foot out of the city. It doesn't matter where: in the forest, garden, field, lake, river or sea, in the mountains, home — away from the hustle and bustle, running from the concrete jungle!

There is nothing more natural than natural colors. The most vivid and pleasing to the eye paints only from nature.
