Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

If I Could Be Somebody Else for a Day

If I were mayor, I would have tried to make our city the most beautiful. In my opinion, the mayor needs to be a simple man, but at the same time and smart. He has to go through all the hardships of poor people, but again it needs to be able to communicate with rich people. Position he needs to be resilient, that at any moment he could defend his point of view with dignity. It should be a person with great experience, but that doesn't mean you have to choose an elderly person. He must know his job, his work. If I were mayor, I would support any progressive initiatives regarding mental and physical potential of the person. I could take care of pensioners, children, the poor, the military, youth.

The mayor is a very serious and responsible position. People work here - a patriot who loves his town, the people living in it. He is aware of their great responsibility to the residents who have entrusted him with their fate. He's occupying such a position, the only specialty is a great man, a real one. He does everything not to disappoint his voters. Exactly this I wanted to become.

I know that being a mayor is very difficult, because he is responsible not only for themselves, for their actions, but for the life of each resident. So, first of all, you need to study hard to get education in order to find decent work on this post. I believe that my dreams will come true, and choose the profession that would interest me. Want to bring benefit and joy to people!