Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

The Internet is a very impotent thing in our life

We cannot live without the Internet in our time. All information about everything in the world is into the Internet. If we want find something, we look for it there. For example, we want go to a restaurant, but we don’t know where a comfortable restaurant is. And we can look for in the Internet: the restaurants, some recommendations or reserve a table. We don’t know a word. Certainly, we look for the word in the Internet. Or you can ask about it someone. But we look for the word in the Internet faster than we ask about it. The Internet is a part of our life.

Stress is a part of our life too. Unfortunately, in city our pace of life is faster and faster. And we are afraid to forgive something or not to be in time. And we have got stress. We start to think how we can decrease stress. Someone choices the Slow Movement. They think that slowing down would lead to less stress. I think too. But I don’t believe that slowing down the Internet would cause less stress. I think that it would increase stress. Because if I will wait to download something on the Internet, but I will be late. Then I really have stress. And a long download will increase my stress more than anything else. Or I need look for the place where I meet with people, but I don’t have got a lot of time. What can I do? I will find the place on the Internet faster and better than I will look for myself. Hurry up the Internet would cause me less stress because I have got more time. And I can spend my time with benefit for myself and my health.

Eventually, we need the Internet, but we need not stress. In my opinion if we have got hurry up the Internet we decrease stress. We will have hurry up the Internet better than we will have stress.