Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Social networks can be perceived ambiguously

In connection with the spread of technological progress, people have the opportunity to communicate without leaving home. They see the changes taking place in the lives of their relatives, friends and relatives without leaving the social network page. Now that people have the ability to view social media pages on their smartphones, they stay up to date without losing their mobility and freedom of movement. You can see some positive aspects in this.

However, social networks are not only meetings of classmates, friends or family members. This is a great platform for business. In general, there are several points:

  • Ability to communicate with friends and colleagues at a distance; search for lost contacts and new acquaintances.
  • Social networks are used as a tool for self-development, learning foreign languages, reading interesting books, listening to music.
  • Social networks become a place for learning, searching for scientific and other literature.
    • Using social networks, you can promote and develop your business, for example, create your own online store.
  • Such sites are a powerful source of useful information.

Negative aspects people see in the fact that live communication goes down in history. Previously, people went to visit each other, brought gifts, and now guests are people who visited the user's page, and bouquets of flowers can not be put in a vase. According to a number of scientists, the excess of communication on the Internet, the substitution of live and real communication with virtual turns a person into an antisocial person. I agree with the opinion that our eloquence begins to be reduced to a few emoticons that express our mood. Information in social networks seems to go around in circles, so sometimes viewing the news feed is absolutely useless. In addition, social networks are used not only for business, but also to create groups that promote violence, death, groups associated with fraud, etc.