Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Read the extract and correct the nine mistakes. What kind of review is this?

Organized by the national Gallery of Scotland on in collaboration with the Royal Academy of Arts, Rembrandt’s Women was first been acclaimed by the critics at its opening this summer in Edinburgh. Do not expect the emotional impact of his best-known masterpieces such like “The Nightwatch” or “The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp”: rather., the exhibition is valued for bringing under the spotlight the fascinating intertwining of private life and artistic matter in Rembrandt’s portrayals of women.

The exhibition is the first to focus in on the subject of Rembrandt’s deception of womankind, and features entirely a total of 141 drawings, etchings and paintings, ranging from mythological or biblical subjects up to intimate portrayals. At In chronological order, we see the development of Rembrandt’s sensitive and perceptive depiction of women with it’s its unparalleled blend of universal elements. If, on the one hand, his realism., inspired by Caravaggio, shocked contemporaries because of the refusal of classical standards of idealized beauty, in on the other hand the influences from Titan and Carracci’s classism are clear.

1. on collaboration > in collaboration

2. was first been acclaimed > was first acclaimed

3. masterpieces such like “The Nightwatch” > masterpieces like “The Nightwatch”

4. focus in the subject > focus on the subject

5. features entirely 141 drawings > features a total of 141 drawings

6. subjects up to intimate > subjects to intimate

7. At chronological order > in chronological order

8. with it’s unparalleled blend > with its unparalleled blend

9. in the other hand > on the other hand

This is an Art Exhibition Review, Factual review.

Read the rubrics below and, for each one, answer the questions that follow.


The English department at your school or college is running a course entitled ‘Films in the English Language’. You have been given an assignment in which you have to write a review of any film which you have seen in English. Your review should focus on the main aspects of film and you should mention hoe watching films in English can help with the language.


You recently attended an important local event (e.g. a show, festival or exhibition) which impressed you very much. Your local newspaper has a regular column in which readers send in their own reviews. Write a review for the column, saying why you think the people in your area should not miss the opportunity to go.


Gourmet magazine regularly invites its readers to send in their reviews of restaurants where they have eaten. The magazine accepts both favourable and critical reviews. Write a review for the magazine, describing either a pleasant or an unpleasant experience you have had in a restaurant.


A Consumer Active Centre is conducting a survey on the level of satisfaction that people feel with manufactured goods, you have been asked to send in a review of one item which you have bought recently, describing the product and explaining whether or not you are satisfied with your purchase. You should also mention whether or not the product lives up to any claims made in advertisements.

  1. What do you have to review?
  2. I have to write a review of any film which I’ve seen in English. My review should focus on the main aspects of film and I should mention how watching films in English can help with the language.
  3. I have to review important local event (e.g. a show, festival or exhibition) which impressed me very much.
  4. I have to write a review, describing either a pleasant or an unpleasant experience I have had in a restaurant.
  5. I have to write a review of one item which I have bought recently, describing the product and explaining whether or not I am satisfied with my purchase.
  6. Who is the target reader? How formal does your writing need to be?
  7. In this case target reader is my teacher, since at my college is running a course and I have been given an assignment in which I have to write a review. My writing should be pretty formal, but expressing my meaning on the subject. I’d avoid slang, colloquial expressions, contractions and abbreviations.
  8. Reader of the newspaper is the target reader. My writing shouldn’t be too formal as to draw people’s attention. Short and simple sentences are acceptable.
  9. Shouldn’t be too formal. Avoid slang and colloquial expressions.
  10. Informal as it’s just my opinion. Short and simple sentences.
  11. What information should you include in the introduction?
  12. Some information about the film I’m going to review.
  13. What type of exhibition it was, including the information where and when it took place.
  14. What experience you have had in a restaurant. Pleasant or unpleasant.
  15. Mention what item I have bought recently, saying whether or not I am satisfied with my purchase.
  16. Will your review be largely favourable or unfavourable?
  17. To my mind my review will be favourable since I need to mention how watching films in English can help with the language.
  18. It will be largely favourable, because I will write about the event, which impressed me very much.
  19. The magazine accepts both favourable and critical reviews. So it can be any.
  20. Can be largely favourable or unfavourable. Depends on my opinion. I will have to explain whether or not I am satisfied with my purchase.
  21. Which aspects do you need to cover in the main body?
  22. Review should focus on the main aspects of film and I should mention how watching films in English can help with the language.
  23. My opinion and emotions.
  24. Should describe either a pleasant or an unpleasant experience I have had in a restaurant.
  25. Describe the product and explain whether or not I am satisfied with my purchase.
  26. How will you conclude the review?
  27. I will summarize the important aspects of how watching films in English can help with the language, will try to link my research to existing knowledge.
  28. I will recommend a visit this local event (a show, festival or exhibition).
  29. I will summarize my opinion on restaurant and will recommend it/not recommend it for others to visit.
  30. I should mention whether or not the product lives up to any claims made in advertisements.

Coursebook page 72 Unit 6 part 4. Do speaking exercise 1, then reading (The new golden age) exercises 1, 2, 3, & 4. Extend your vocabulary - gold and golden. Study it and answer all the questions.



1. bank accounts

2. gold

3. stocks

4. government bonds

5. land

6. property

7. collectables

8. art

In my opinion the safest investment is bank account. Having a bank account you can open a savings account, which is completely safe in the sense that you’ll never lose money. Most accounts are government-insured up to certain limits, so you’ll be compensated even if the financial institution fails.


1. Gold is popular now, but it always has been for many reasons.


1. apparently unimportant (though actually important) - mere

2. easy to press into different shapes - malleable

3. things that can be bought and sold - commodities

4. increasing quickly by a large amount – shooting up

5. existing now as a modern example of something or someone from the past – latter-day

6. laughing at - mocking

7. uncontrolled activity or excitement - turmoil

8. passion past - lust


1. T

2. T

3. DS

4. T

5. F

6. T

7. DS


I think that gold is still very important. I agree with the author that gold is more than just a valuable metal. There's STILL no effective way to counterfeit gold. Gold does have intrinsic value. It is very useful because of several of its characteristics such as conductivity, softness and malleability, and low melting point.

Extend your vocabulary – gold and golden.


1. She’s the company’s golden girl at the moment.

2. He just missed out on the gold medal.

3. They were the golden years of jazz.

4. There are miles and miles of golden beaches.


The words which do not collocate with golden are: address, dream, remark

Golden anniversary – a celebration of the 50th year of something, especially a marriage

Golden handshake – a usually large payment made to people when they leave their job, either when their employer has asked them to leave or when they are leaving at the end of their working life, as a reward for very long or good service in their job

Golden oldie – an old song or film that is still well known and popular

Golden opportunity – is an usually good chance to do or succeed at something. A chance that should not be missed

Golden rule – an important rule or principle, especially in a particular situation


The golden rule for working in any factory is to observe its safety regulations.

Let us not miss this golden opportunity to channel the forces of globalization in support of development.