Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

On our planet and in our life there is a set of various resources

On our planet and in our life there is a set of various resources. For certain, the first that comes to the majority to mind, at the word a resource, it: Money, minerals, food, water, and other. However, very many, for some reason, don't think that time — too a resource. A resource which isn't similar to others at all. He can't be touched, it can't be inhaled, tasted. It is intangible.

And the most important – time can't be got, he can't be held, suspended. He can only be lost. Not at any price you don't buy time. In any the moment, then when we don't think of time, or we think, it inevitably expires. Our life every second becomes shorter. And I consider that this time needs to be used with the maximum advantage.

Very often we are distracted by something. We spend that time which we can spend for work, for improvement of skills for something useless. For example on social networks, games, and other. And when you do these things, you just spend the time. I at all not against occasionally to relax behind a game, to check mail, to load new photos. It is justified if it becomes one - once a day, literally for twenty minutes provided that all rest of the time you are busy. Yes, it is difficult for many, but only it is so possible to come to success. Besides, when you gets used, you understands that nothing difficult is perfect in it isn't present.

And in this regard, it is very important to plan the time. To write down what you have to make and when, it, I consider, the most effective method of distribution of time. There is even such thing, won't call it science, but it is somewhat possible to tell and so, "time-managment", or art of planning of time is called. On this subject many different books are written and if you want will learn to plan the time, then you should read them.

As for me, I have a special application on phone, the daily log where every day before going to bed, or in the morning, I write down the purposes for today, on time, carrying out them in time. Also there are purposes for a month, for half a year for a year. And for achievement of one purpose, I need to execute many small. Certainly, there are intervals of time in which I have a rest, for them the place is allocated too.

I consider that such method is extremely effective, and I advise it to all, it will make you much more productively.