Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

My story can be very instructive and interesting, because I always develop and do not stand still

I really like to get new knowledge and even, despite the fact that my interests may be in different areas, I am always ready to educate and learn with pleasure.

Immediately after school, I entered a medical college in order to obtain a specialty "obstetrician", but during my studies I realized that it was more interesting for me to engage in pedagogy and I went to study at the Pedagogical University.

In parallel, I took refresher courses, worked, communicated, led an active social life and was fond of music.

After I finished my studies, I got a job in a serious company as a nurse. However, at the same time I did not forget about my interests and continued my education in pedagogy.

It so happened that I became interested in foreign languages and in order to combine pedagogy with languages I entered the Synergy University with a degree in translation and translation studies.

I really like the area I am doing now. I am the lead manager of a modeling agency. When performing professional duties, I definitely need a foreign language and the ability to convey information to clients and agency employees. My pedagogical skills help me in this. I believe that self-education plays a very important role in the life of every person. It helps people to improve themselves, gives the ability to find information by any means, allows you to expand your knowledge, your horizons, and also gives motivation for further learning. Such education is of great importance not only in the life of a schoolchild, whose main work is study, but also in the life of an adult who does not want to stop his level of development and intelligence, and therefore tries to improve himself by any means. Unfortunately, not all people understand this, and nowadays there are few of those who are interested in such an occupation, and those who propagandize it.

I have a very interesting life! I am glad that it is through self-education that I develop!