Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

The Greatest Invention

People have long and hard created those things that are now used everywhere. The history of mankind is closely connected with constant progress, the development of technology, new discoveries and inventions. It is filled with many things: from wars to flying to the moon. No matter what upheavals happen, people have long and persistently created those things that are now used everywhere. But what is the greatest invention in history?

I think that the greatest invention is fire, or rather the methods of obtaining it. It is impossible to imagine life without fire. According to archaeological data, ancient people first produced fire more than one million years ago. "Wild fire", which broke out during forest fires, was terrible for a person, but, over time, a person "tamed" it and "put" it at his service. Evidence of the first artificially produced fire was found in East Africa. The fire was lit not by representatives of our "reasonable man", but by more distant ancestors.

Since that time, fire has become a constant companion of man and the basis of his economy. People have discovered the useful properties of fire: the ability to illuminate and warm, change plant and animal food for the better. In ancient times, it was an indispensable source of heat, light, a means for cooking, and a hunting tool.

However, further cultural conquests (ceramics, metallurgy, steelmaking, steam engines, etc.) are also due to the complex use of fire. For many millennia, people used "home fire", kept it from year to year in their caves, before they learned to produce it themselves with the help of friction. This discovery probably happened by chance, after our ancestors learned how to drill wood. During this operation, the wood was heated and, under favorable conditions, ignition could occur. Paying attention to this, people began to widely use friction to produce fire.