Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

My predictions about the future

What can I say? That is a really interesting and difficult question. What does make it difficult? We can never know what will be in the future. However, I will try to just dream.
There are many predictions about the future and they all different. Some predictions about robot's and their ways to make our life easier, others about catastrophe the Earth must suffer, still others about problems of the Earth and so on. We'll consider some of them.
First prediction is about robot's helping to make our life better. During next fifty years time computers will be much more intelligent than today and it will change people's lives. Computers will help people work, learn, plan and decide. They will help people from different countries to understand each other by automatically translating from one language to another. Intelligent computers will work as scientist and will start to make discoveries on their own. Also, I think the technique of medicine will go far ahead, which will help doctors to do their job better. Helping people will become easier thanks to new technologies.
Second prediction is about catastrophe the Earth can suffer. During the next in fifty years' time our earth might suffer a catastrophe. Humans could disappear, just like the dinosaurs and hundreds of other species. Or people are so polluting the planet that life on Earth will be impossible.
Third prediction is about our body and what we'll can do with it during next 50 years. I believe that soon we will be able to repair the human body in the same way that we can replace damaged parts of car or a washing machine. Five years from now we will be able to grow new fingers and a few years after that – new arms and legs. Within fifty years, replacing your whole body will be normal. Maybe people will become robots like a terminator.

It is impossible to predict the future accurately. Even meteorologists can't predict the weather, but I tried to make three assumptions. We'll see. Because "Today" - tomorrow will be "Yesterday", and yesterday - "Today" was "Tomorrow".