Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

«Life is not the days that have passed, but those that are remembered» Gabriel Marquez

Memorable days are precious days of our lives that we remember in our minds, but we can not get them out of our heads for a long time. There are so many memorable days in my life.

But almost all the days I remember only memorable moments that I remember most. I like summer time more. In one of the beautiful days of summer a friend came to me, we swam on the river, bought corn, swam and sunbathed. In the middle of the river there is an island of land, we swam and sunbathed there. In the evening we walked in the Park. On this day, flowing into the evening we had a great rest. Summer in early June, we also went with a friend to the cottage to her. Fried kebabs on the grill of chicken, made vegetable salads, listening to music and just were in nature. I love the smell of nature when you leave the smell of the city, toxic exhaust cars. In the country the smell is quite different, differently breathed. It's a wonderful feeling of freedom. We vow to remember such days, to cherish such memories. I would like to finish my little essay with a quote by Gabriel Garcia Marquez – «Don't cry because it's over; smile because it was».