Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

My predictions about the future

What can I say? That is a really interesting and difficult question. What does make it difficult? We can never know what will be in the future. However, I will try to just to suggest. And I think my suggestions will be really crazy!

Mars will get rings like Saturn. Saturn’s rings always made it the most recognizable planet in our solar system, but it may lose those bragging rights in another 20 to 40 million years. Mars could one day get its own outer ring. It all depends on its moon, Phobos, which is getting closer and closer to the red planet’s surface. If it doesn’t crash into Mars, it will break apart into countless tiny bits, which will continue to orbit the planet. Pretty cool, right?

We’ll have dinosaur zoos with real woolly mammoths. Thanks to advances in cloning technology, we might be able to bring back animals like the woolly mammoths. But according to Akira Iritani, a professor at Kyoto University, «Now the technical problems have been overcome, all we need is a good sample of soft tissue from a frozen mammoth». Russian scientists are working on doing just that, and the big question in the medical community isn’t «is it possible», but «should we do it?».

The days will get a lot longer. I`m not talking about the summer solstice, where it just feels like the days are longer because there’s more sunlight. I mean literally longer. Granted, you’d need to live a long, long time to experience it, as we’re only gaining about 1.7 milliseconds every 100 years. But it’s still amazing to think that one of the things we consider absolute can actually be altered. It won’t affect you, but your great-great-great-great grandkids are going to have a little more time in their day to get everything done.

We’ll discover another 2,000 planets this year. We’ve already identified 2,341 planets outside our solar system, but thanks to a collaboration between NASA and Google, that number is projected to jump to 4,496 in the near future. Will there be life in any of those planets? We’ll find out soon enough.

You’ll be able to smell your favorite TV shows. Have you ever watched your latest episode of the «Walking Dead» and thought, «That would’ve been so much better if I could smell the zombies?» You may be in luck. Nicholas Negroponte, a former director of Media Lab, predicted back in 1992 that we’d soon be getting «full-color, large-scale, holographic TV with force feedback and olfactory output». It sounds exciting and troubling at the same time.

And although it was really strange and even absurde predictions, but who knows...