Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

My predictions about the future.

People always try to predict the future and foresee what would happen in their lives in 5, 10 and 50 years. Abraham Lincoln said: «The best way to predict the future is to create it» and I see eye to eye with him.

In the last decade, people have faced new challenges from the solution of which depends on our future and future of our descendants. First of all, environmental problems as global warming, pollution of air, water and lands, deforestation are acute problems nowadays. To my mind, it is time to take action, otherwise, in the nearest ten years, the temperature will increase on 3-4 degrees which will lead to a dramatic increase in fires, widespread droughts, melting of glaciers and the planet we are living today won`t be able to recover. As the problems will become pressing next years the governments will abandon the usage of plastic and will search the ways to make the transition to renewable energy.

Secondly, the development of technology gains momentum. As for me, many factories and companies will optimize the working process and if it is necessary and more profitable they will replace people by robots. Robots will become part of our daily life; we already have virtual assistants like Siri and Alisa, vacuum cleaner robots. In future other household chores as washing will be automated. Moreover, I am definitely sure that driverless cars will appear within the next 5 years and it will be widely used. It is also possible that within the next 20 years NASA will put people on Venus or Mars.

As for international politics and competition between countries, I think that China`s economy strengthening will undermine the supremacy of the USA. The escalation between countries will worsen the trade war and in the future, both countries will face economic slowdowns as their economies are tightly interconnected. The government of the Russian Federation will continue to establish relations with Asian countries in order to resist the USA's power and its neglecting of international regulations.