Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

My memorable day (What exactly is a memory?)

What exactly is a memory? Essentially, memory is a complex process that involves acquiring, storing, and recalling information. Not all memories are the same, however. Memory refers to the processes that are used to acquire, store, retain, and later retrieve information. There are three major processes involved in memory: encoding, storage, and retrieval.

Human memory involves the ability to both preserve and recover information we have learned or experienced. As we all know, however, this is not a flawless process. Sometimes we forget or mis-remember things. Sometimes things are not properly encoded in memory in the first place.

Every man keeps in his memory a day which he remembered for life, because it left deep impression. Some people remember this day because of sad events but somebody because of happy and joyful events. The day, which sticks in my memory, is rather interesting. Once in summer I and my family went to rest, the father wanted to fish that’s why we went to the lake. The day was wonderful, the hot sun was shining, the gentle breeze was blowing, and rare clouds were floating in the sky. When we arrived to the place, we settled on the bank of the lake spread out tackles and food for picnic. We spent time cheerfully: played badminton, sunbathed, caught fish. A short time later, the company of men settled close to us, they talked loudly and laughed. We heard very familiar voice, it turned out that it was a cinema star, Marat Basharov with the friends. We thought that all stars are very proud and that he won't even want to speak with us. But we weren't right, Marat is very friendly and open person, he signed to us the autograph, with pleasure took pictures with us and even called to the theater on a performance in which he played. It was fine day which was branded in my memory and in soul.