Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

My memorable day

Life is full of various events and experiences. But all of these are not equally important, enjoyable and memorable. Every person has a day in his life that he will remember for the rest of his life. I also have a day like this.

It happened many years ago. I was 10 years old and went to school. One day I went back home from school. I was in a hurry because I wanted to watch my favorite TV show. I decided to take a shortcut through the park. It was late autumn and the weather was quite cold. There were no people in the park. It was very quiet. Suddenly I heard a strange sound. It was like a baby's cry. I looked back and saw no one. It was strange. I went on, but I heard the sound again. It came from the bushes. I went to those bushes and saw a tiny puppy. Its eyes were closed, probably it was born very recently. I thought its owners had thrown it away. It was awful. I couldn't leave it there. I wrapped it in my sweater carefully and carried it home. I was afraid my parents didn't allow me to keep it. My mother was home. I showed her the puppy. She felt sorry for him, too. We decided to leave it until the evening. My mother gave me an old box and I put the puppy in it. It shivered and cried piteously. It was hungry. I poured milk into a plate, but it didn't drink it. My mother said it was too small to do it. I sat by the box and stroked his head. I noticed a wound on his back paw, and it looked terrible. We decided to call the vet. The vet examined the puppy and said that it had little chance of survival. At that moment my eyes were full of tears. The vet treated the wound and showed us how to feed the puppy with a syringe. We could only hope for a miracle. When the vet left, the puppy ate a little and fell asleep. Its nose was hot and dry. I thought it had a running temperature.

I sat with the puppy until midnight, then I fell asleep on the floor, too. I woke up in the morning in my bed, my parents took me there. I jumped out of bed and ran to the puppy. My mother sat near it and fed him. The puppy looked better. He did not tremble and was able to get to its feet. I was very happy. Dad came into the room and sat down next to us. At that moment, we all knew that we could not give this funny creature away. We gave him the name of Lucky. My mom said it was really lucky for the puppy that I found it. Since then, he has become a member of our family.

I often think of the day when I was walking through the park and heard crying in the bushes. This is my memorable day. It's great to save someone's life.