Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

My Hobby

Many people have a certain hobby. They do something that brings them peace, perhaps joy, satisfaction. For some people, a hobby can be their life's work. I think it's important to find that kind of activity, and it can be very different. My hobby is photography.

It's hard to say exactly why I take pictures. I want to capture something the way my eyes see it. The way it is right now, at this moment. To convey color, sensations, maybe feelings or thoughts. So you don't forget something important.
I like taking photos. It gets very sad when I can't convey everything with the lens the way I see it. I find this activity creative and emotional. To convey something with a photo you have to feel it. It's not enough to know the parameters of the technique or which light to use. You have to see and feel.
It's very interesting for me to shoot people and nature, but in fact, you just shoot what you see, what you notice.

In conclusion, I would like to say that a person's hobby, occupation may in some way be related to his feelings or problems. I don't feel like forgetting anything. The way the snow falls slowly, the way my friend smiles, the color of the asphalt under his feet, how far the clouds are, or how close the stars are.
Maybe I hope my photos won't let my memories slip away and disappear. I also think that photos should trigger something inside the viewer.

255 words.