Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

My family

Family is an important part of life for people, animals and creatures in general. In it, a man or animal grows, learns, develops, becomes independent.

My family is not very big. I have a mom and dad, but we live apart. Mom is a dear person to me who has raised and supported me. Now I study in another city and see her on holidays. We used to have a dog, and I think she's a full member of the family too. Unfortunately, she died of old age last year. I miss her so much.
I also think that family may not necessarily be blood relatives. One book said that members of the same family are rarely born under the same roof. For me, some of my friends are also family. These are people who are already more than friends to man. I don't think there should be many of those people.

My family is both relatives and people who are not related by blood. Family is more of a spiritual than a physical thing to me. Every creature should have a family.

183 words.