Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

My Future Profession?

When choosing a profession, many are guided by the prestige of the future type of activity, others focus on high wages, the parents forced the third choice. Units choose a future profession according to their own desires and interests. In my opinion, work of interest is rare luck and great happiness.

In the choice of a future profession, profile centers, which are at every educational institution, can help. They started talking about the profile school in late 2001, it was then that the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On Approving the Concept of Modernization of Russian Education for the Period Until 2010” appeared. The Concept says that at the senior level of the school, specialized education is provided, that is, a system of specialized training is created, "oriented to the individualization of education and the socialization of students"

I learned about the specialty “HR Manager” by chance. Entering the university, I carefully studied booklets about various areas of preparation. Each attracted me in its own way. I tried to imagine how I could realize myself in every area. My choice fell on the specialty "Human Resource Management". At that moment I did not know all the secrets of this profession, I was attracted by its relevance in the labor market and the prospect of becoming a managerial staff.

Having started my studies, I began to comprehend all the subtleties of this type of activity, and now I consider this profession to be unique. Indeed, it reflected such sciences as economics, management, psychology, paperwork, marketing, law and much more. Such an abundance of subjects shows that a specialist in personnel management (HR, eychar) is a diversified employee with in-depth knowledge of all the mechanisms of functioning of an organization.

In my understanding, eychar is a connecting link between management and subordinates, it needs to maintain parity, have respect for both of them. The atmosphere in the team largely depends on him, and this is an important component of the success of any company. Through the personnel management service, the employee communicates with company management, makes career growth, and much more.

There is an opinion that any educated person can become a HR manager, he only needs basic knowledge and high sociability. I think this is not so. The HR service specialist should not only be able to listen, but also conduct a deep analysis, assess the behavior, professional suitability, and future success of the employee. He also needs to have economic knowledge, to understand perfectly the structure of the organization, to be able to motivate employees, to understand the work of the marketing service, to present the specifics of various companies and the dynamics of the labor market. He should be guided in labor legislation, be able to conduct personnel records management, etc.

In order to be an effective leader and achieve the goals of the company, in addition to mental qualities, internal control and the ability to manage your emotional intelligence are necessary. Self-motivation will help in stressful situations, and the ability to constructively resolve conflicts will give Eichar credibility. Any constructive solution to the conflict helps the organization to develop, find new solutions and improve production.

The personnel manager should build work, primarily based on the needs of his company, and not specific employees. Therefore, the personal interests of workers fade into the background. An HR service specialist must be able to abstract in crisis situations and use all possible means to achieve goals.

I like to study in this area of training, this specialty has changed me, now when communicating with people, I assess the personal qualities of the interlocutor, analyze his strengths and weaknesses.

I try to apply the accumulated knowledge in practice, and this helps me to solve many everyday problems. The profession of "human resources manager" is addictive, sending the leader and

subordinate to the fascinating world of the eternal game. You strive to be a leader, you want to try out a new method of motivation that you read about in a professional magazine yesterday, or simply test new skills and resolve a conflict in a group. You are constantly in the spotlight and not afraid of difficulties. I consider this profession to be the key in the work of the organization. The responsibility for the work of the entire labor collective lies on the shoulders of the eychar, but this responsibility does not scare me, but, on the contrary, attracts me, because a person who owns this profession contributes to the efficiency of all personnel, increases his motivation, helps to achieve the goals of the company and the goals of each individual employee. Realizing this, you feel you need! Therefore, I decided to realize my potential in this area.