Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Modern concept of management

In the modern phase of development of the management concept, a qualitative transition from local research areas to the construction of concepts as the basis of the General theory of management is characteristic. A concept is a way of understanding certain phenomena, processes, and the main idea of any theory. The concept is the formation of a scientific approach that synthesizes certain interrelated scientific views, research methods, experiments, and interpretations of phenomena and processes.

The concepts formulated in management science became the basis for identifying the leading scientific approaches in management theory. These approaches include: process, system, and situational.

The process approach defines the management of the process in which activities are aimed at achieving the organization's goals. In this approach, process management is considered as the sum of interrelated actions, management functions, and each of the functions as a set of homogeneous actions, operations, and procedures. The problem with functions is that there is no specific classification, so each author has a different number of functions, from four to fifteen functions.

The system approach treats an organization as a set of interrelated elements (people, structure, tasks, technologies) aimed at achieving various goals in a changing environment. The system approach in the modern interpretation was formed in the early sixties of the twentieth century, when the methods of applied mathematics began to be used in control theory. A systems approach is a General way of thinking and approach regarding organization and management. It is based on the interpretation of the system as a certain integrity of interrelated elements, each of which contributes to the characteristic of the whole. The components of such a system are interdependent. If at least one of them is missing, the system will not work or will not work correctly. Every production and economic organization is a system made up of people, capital, and technology. All components are used together to perform a specific job, to achieve a specific goal. Therefore, followers of the system approach believe that organizations are sociotechnical systems. In such systems, we can distinguish complexes of homogeneous elements-subsystems.

Proponents of the system approach most often use analog and mathematical models. Analog models-display the most significant characteristics for research purposes (properties, relationships, structural and functional parameters). Most often, an analog model of a control system is constructed in the form of mathematical dependencies displayed in a system of equations describing the situational state of the object of study.