Автор Анна Евкова
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Job interview ( managers)

Today, most managers understand that the success and prosperity of an organization largely depends on its employees. In the face of fierce competition, the winner is the one with the best team. That is why managers pay so much attention to the issues of effective management of employees, their motivation, training and development. However, without a high-quality selection of personnel, any work with human resources is doomed to failure.

At its core, an interview is a means of two-way communication. Its main purpose is to ensure the exchange of information in such a way as to develop an appropriate course of action for the future. An interview differs from a simple message by a two-way flow of information. Evaluation interview-identification of persons with the necessary abilities and attitudes that could become good employees of the organization. Most interviews have specific goals. personnel evaluation interviews may include questions such as establishing and improving mutual understanding between the manager and his subordinate, or changing the subordinate's attitude to a particular problem or aspect of his work. In a recruitment interview, the task may be to select the candidate with the most appropriate level of ability, to perform the job in accordance with the requirements, and to select the organization as the appropriate place to apply their abilities.

The overall goal of any interview is to formulate appropriate decisions and develop action plans that both parties accept for implementation. The concept of bilateral commitments is central to achieving the objectives of the interview. The interview succeeds or fails by the action it causes, and where there is no obligation, this action either does not occur or it is unsatisfactory. This theory may seem unrealistic or meaningless to those who are accustomed to seeing the interview as an opportunity to exercise their power or as a case where the interviewee can be forced to walk on a string of words before the employer delivers its unquestionable verdict. During the selection interview, a meeting with a potential employer or its representative takes place. The purpose of this interview is to meet you personally, to understand how the employer and the applicant fit together, and discuss cooperation details. during the interview, the employer asks questions about the applicant's education, experience, skills and knowledge. Personal questions are also possible: goals, aspirations in life, what the applicant wants to achieve, what his plans are. A job interview is crucial in the recruitment process. It consists in selecting the right person for the job on the basis of objective criteria that are applied to the candidate in a balanced and fair manner.