Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Millions of people throughout the world spend their holidays travelling and I’m no exception

Travelling is one of the best activities a person can do. When you travel you get new experience, learn about the cultures of other countries and cities visit unique places around the whole world.

Our trip was to the sea.

First we started to collect things. I selected outfits for each day of the trip and accessories for them.

We booked a hotel and bought plane tickets.

I don't really like planned trips, as it's not interesting.

But this time I decided to plan.

10: 00 a.m. we had a plane. Upon arrival, we were met by a hotel employee. We got into a minibus and drove to the hotel. The road to the hotel was short, but during this time we considered the beautiful nature that surrounded us.

After we were settled in a room with a beautiful view of the sea. After dinner, we went for a walk and looked around. We walked until late at night, it seemed that it was still evening, as the city did not fall asleep everyone was having fun and there were a lot of people on the street.

The next morning we took a boat out to sea. We've swum far enough. We were allowed to swim in the water, it was clear blue - it was fascinating.

Also, on one of the days of rest, we went on a cruise for one day.

It was magically beautiful to watch the night sea and a lot of fun.

We didn't want to leave at all, so I was very sad at the last day of laziness.

But I'm sure it was one of my best trips.

When I got home, I was full of positive emotions. If I have the opportunity, I will definitely visit here again