Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Languages in our country

Russia is a multiple country and geographically it is the biggest country in the world. The country can be proud of multicultural people who live it. It means that every nationality brings something new in Russian’s culture. It is not only about habits, traditions, customs, holidays, but also about the languages.

Due to the scientific researches, there are many 7,117 languages in the World. And in Russia the scientists had counted circa 150 languages. Yes, you can ask the question about national languages, but because of multi culture and polylingualism, people speak in a different language. Of course, almost all people know Russian languages, but not for everyone it is the native language. As for other languages, there are different languages, such as Ukrainian, Arabian, Armenian, Polish, Moldavian, Tatarian and even English. A lot of Russia citizens can speak two languages ​​fluently due to one linguistic family. It means two or more languages can have some common thinks. For example, vocabulary, grammar and phonetics. One more feature is a dialect. Many languages in our country have the same dialects. The scientists say that it’s related with the blend nationalities, culture, and some historical events. Of course, we should not forget about marriages many Russian citizens get married foreign people. In this way we can make a conclusion that more and more bilingual families appear. It is a great chance for many children to learn more than one language, because they have been speaking two languages since childhood, all least.

To my mind, it is very nice that Russia has not many languages which different nationalities are brought in the Russian culture and history. It shows that our country is the most powerful and Russian citizens can give the great example of tolerance toward another cultures.

In conclusion, I want to say that all languages ​​of the world are beautiful in their uniqueness and people should appreciate it.

Russia is a multinational country, and geographically it is the largest country in the world. The country can be proud of the multinational people that live in it. This means that each nationality brings something new to Russian culture. It is not only about habits, traditions, customs, holidays, but also about languages.

Thanks to scientific research, there are 7,117 languages ​​in the world. Add, in Russia, scientists have counted about 150 languages. Yes, you can ask a question about national languages, but due to multiculturalism and multilingualism, people speak different languages. Of course, almost everyone knows Russian, but not everyone. As for other languages, there are different languages ​​such as Ukrainian, Arabic, Armenian, Polish, Moldavian, Tatar and even English. In many cities of Russia, residents can speak two languages ​​fluently thanks to mixed marriages. This means that two or more languages ​​may have common thoughts. For example, vocabulary, grammar and phonetics. Another feature is the dialect. Many languages ​​in our country have the same dialects.

Scientists say this is due to a mixture of nationalities, cultures and some historical events. Of course, we shouldn't forget about marriages; foreigners get married in many cities of Russia. Thus, we can conclude that there are more and more bilingual families. For many children, this is a great chance to learn more than one language because they have been bilingual since childhood.

In my opinion, it is very pleasant that there are not so many languages ​​in Russia that different nationalities have introduced into Russian culture and history. This shows that our country is the most powerful, and Russian cities can serve as an excellent example of tolerance towards other cultures.