Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.


There are two state languages in Kazakhstan. This is Russian and Kazakh. But now in many educational institutions training is conducted in three languages - Russian, Kazakh, English.

In many regions of Kazakhstan, the majority of the population is fluent in both Russian and Kazakh. But in the North of the country, where Kazakhstan borders Russia, the population mostly speaks Russian.

Kazakhstan has established the Assembly of peoples of Kazakhstan. It consists of national cultural centers: Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Belarusian, German, Tajik, Armenian, Chechen and others. All these peoples live in Kazakhstan. Language training is provided at these centres.

In Northern Kazakhstan, in Petropavlovsk, there is a school where children learn their native languages – Azerbaijani, Armenian, Polish, Tajik, Ukrainian and others.