Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Карьерный план

To begin with, I would like to note that it is useful to start a Serious business with planning. This is especially important when choosing a career.

A well-prepared career plan makes it much easier and manageable to achieve professional goals.

In total, there are five main steps in developing a career plan.


It is very important to understand what you really like to do, what your strengths are, what knowledge you already have, and what is not enough to achieve the goal.

First of all, it is necessary to evaluate: personal qualities; knowledge, skills; vision of the future; health.


It is quite possible to acquire the necessary professional skills for a particular specialty, but it is much harder to change your character and your natural inclinations. Therefore, it is better to choose a profession that will match your personal characteristics.


So, you more or less began to understand about yourself and what you want. Perhaps some people have already decided on the industries/professions that you would like to do in the future. Now it is important to understand your goals and set priorities.

What is a goal?

Quite simply, the goal is a dream with a deadline. You need a goal to know where you want to go and in which direction to go. Uncertainty of goals leads to uncertainty of results.

There are long-term goals (from three to ten years or more) and short-term goals (from a month to a year). Short-term goals should lead to achievement of the long-term.

It's best to start with long-term goals and then break them down into short-term goals.


You have chosen one or more professional areas that interest you and may even have formulated your long-term goal, for example, to become a Bank Manager in a large Russian company by the age of 30. Or maybe you don't have such far-reaching plans yet, and your goal is just to identify 1-2 industries that could potentially be of interest to you by the end of the year. However, the next important step towards this goal is to study the labor market.

What industries are in demand now? What professions exist within the industry of interest? What are the requirements for specialists? What are the prospects for the development of a particular profession? Etc.

To answer all these questions, you need to conduct the collection and analysis of information.


Even if you have read a lot of information about your future profession, it is important to try at least some elements of your future work in practice. It may not be as you imagined in real life.


When you have decided on your future specialty, it is time to study the market of educational services. Which University should I choose? Do I need to get an education at the bachelor's or master's level? Do I need to take any additional courses? What questions do you need to find out in order not to waste time?

In conclusion, I want to say that from the very beginning, try to understand where else the knowledge and skills that your chosen profession will give you may be in demand, where you can retrain, and what else to do.