Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Why I liked the work of Somerset Maugham "The Creative impulse"

I first got acquainted with the work of William Somerset Maugham while studying at the University, in the light of studying the work of Anton Chekhov. There is a lot in common in their work. As well as Anton Chekhov Somerset Maugham-master of short prose. His stories are still relevant. It was Chekhov who turned out to be a very close writer for Maugham. His stories have the same clarity, simplicity, and brevity. No wonder he studied the work of Anton Chekhov. What do Somerset Maugham's works about the Great Russian writer say: «The Summing Up», «Points of View», «A Writer Notebook». Somerset Maugham believed that admiring Chekhov was a sign of good taste. Thanks to a fairly close acquaintance with Russia and Russian literature, Somerset Maugham perceived Russian people as people who lived solely by feelings.

The main theme of Maugham's works is the clash of the creative personality with society. Somerset Maugham's story "the Creative impulse" about the English writer Mrs. Forrester, who writes a detective novel. It is very quickly becoming popular not only in your country, but also abroad. The heroine earns a lot of money to live comfortably. Gradually the author reveals the circumstances of the creation of this book. Mrs. Forrester began writing at the age of eighteen. She turned to such literary forms as the ode, sonnet, and essay. The author goes on to show how Mrs. Forrester changed, how did she choose the people she interacted with. It was a great honor to come to her for Breakfast. She looked like a Narcissus admiring himself. She dressed fashionably, wearing dresses that emphasized her dignity and helped to stand out in society. I think that in his story Somerset Maugham, in the character of Mrs. Forrester, wanted to describe himself and the desire of every creative person to become known and recognized. He was rich and published a lot. But his contemporaries treated him rather coldly, there were a lot of unflattering comments from literary critics about his talent. Creativity raises a person above the material, makes him spiritually rich.

The story of Somerset Maugham and in our time does not lose relevance. There will always be a confrontation between high literature and mass literature. Both have a right to exist. Each book will always find its own reader. You can't accuse Mrs. Forrester of writing only for money and fame.

The story is very pleasant and positive. I liked the irony with which the author treats his characters. Mrs. Forrester was able to find fame and fortune. Her husband remained a source of inspiration to her, and he took care of her well-being. It seems to me that this is how it should be, because the source of inspiration is our life and the feelings that we experience. After all, how can you describe what you didn't experience. The language of the work is very beautiful and witty. Everything is taken from life, which remains relevant in our time. The author is able to notice and reflect all the most vivid and interesting.