Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Interview (An interview is an inevitable part of the procedure for applying for a job, which involves, first of all, finding out information about the candidate during personal contact)

An interview is an inevitable part of the procedure for applying for a job, which involves, first of all, finding out information about the candidate during personal contact. If a candidate has been invited for an interview, it means that they are already interested and now everything depends on him. Many of us are most afraid of the job interview. And completely in vain. After all, an interview is the best way to demonstrate your best qualities to an employer. an interview is a much more flexible form of checking an employee than, for example, questioning or testing.

That is why I propose to start with the advantages of interviews as a selection method are that they: Allow the interviewer to ask additional questions about the candidate's work experience and to understand how the candidate's qualities correspond to those required for the given job. Allows the interviewer to describe the job and organization in more detail by proposing some of the terms of the psychological contract. They also provide candidates with the opportunity to ask questions about the job and clarify questions about vocational training, career prospects and the possibility of a face-to-face meeting, at which it is possible to assess how the candidate suits the organization and what he would like to do.

Naturally, we have to keep in mind the disadvantages of interviewing and what they are. Interviews may not be powerful enough to predict performance correctly and not reliable enough to compare multiple candidates. They also rely on the skill of the interviewer, but many people are poor at interviewing even though they believe they have succeeded and can lead to ambiguous and subjective judgments on the part of the interviewer.

Based on judgments, in order to get a prestigious and highly paid job, which will allow you to solve not only material problems, but also make it possible to realize your professional and creative ambitions, you need to be able to correctly present your candidacy to the employer. This includes, in addition to demonstrating professional knowledge, also the ability to convince company management that the applicant is in line with the corporate spirit of the organization and clearly understand the goals that will be set before him. The “ideal candidate” for the position should also have certain psychological qualities, the ability to learn and retrain, and a positive attitude towards work.

Summing up, we identify the main feature that interviews provide a valuable opportunity to exchange information, which allows both parties to make a decision: to offer or not to offer a job; accept or reject the offer.