Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.


An interview is an employer meeting with a candidate to join the organization. The main purpose of the interview with the candidate is to understand whether he is suitable for the proposed position, his relationship to people in society, what work experience he has, his goals, etc.

There are situations when large companies require several stages of an interview: with medical personnel, with the head of the department, with senior management, with the security service and many others.

Interview Types


It is a brutal interview, a discussion of pre-prepared topics and discussion issues.

• Pros: reveals the profile skills of the interlocutor.

• Cons: some many important issues will not be addressed.


It is a free interview, free discussion of all topics regarding the candidate.

• Pros: during this conversation you can find out as needed

information and additional information about the candidate.

• Disadvantages: the free course of the conversation may go the wrong way and in the end the employer will not receive the desired result about the candidate.


A combined interview is a combination of a free and cruel interview, that is, questions and topics are prepared in advance for the candidate, and then they are allowed to freely talk about themselves.

The interview is also divided into "Personal Meeting," and "Group Meeting."

A personal meeting is an interview that takes place with one candidate and with one or more employers in the format of an eye-to-eye conversation.

A personal meeting is held when there are too few candidates for a certain position. In this case, the employer carefully reviews each questionnaire and looks for the best option.

A group meeting is an interview that takes place with several candidates and with one or more employers in the format of a conference.

A group meeting is held if there are too many candidates for the proposed position. In this case, the employer holds a competition (game), the main task of which is to gradually identify inappropriate candidates and eventually find the best option of all.

The difference between group and personal meetings is that in a group meeting between several candidates there is a game, the main task of which is to become the main one in the team, and show your skills in working in a team or show your unique abilities in a suitable area.

Methods of selection of candidates

1) Questionnaires. The first thing the organization offers the candidate to fill out the questionnaire. The questionnaire gives the employer the opportunity to find out the basic information about the candidate, and the security service also uses them for verification.

2) Interview. This is a way to output specific or additional information from a candidate by talking to him on certain or free topics.

3) Testing. In order to ensure that the candidate has certain knowledge, employers often give them test tasks. Thus, the employer will understand that the candidate is suitable for the proposed position.