Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

International Management

The relevance of this topic lies in the need to deepen the study of management issues when entering a foreign market. The external environment in which the company operates is fundamentally important for any business, regardless of its focus and scale. However, for foreign economic activity, it has a very special meaning: if everything in your country is "more or less familiar", then, entering the world market, the company finds itself not only in an unfamiliar economic, political and social environment, but also in an environment where the possibilities and sources of its study and adequate assessment are obvious.

International management is a special type of management, the main goals of which are the formation, development and use of the company's competitive advantages through the possibilities of doing business in different countries and the appropriate use of the economic, social, cultural and other characteristics of these countries and cross-country impact.

Main part

Management principles

The principles of management are realized through consciousness, intellect, will (assertiveness) and purposefulness of a person. It is important to provide such working conditions to maximize the use of these human qualities.

The basic management principles include:

  • the principle of scientific character (it is important to understand the reasons for the discrepancy between goals and results, to see the contradictions between theory and practice, to know the properties of large systems and methods of work in them);
  • the principle of consistency and complexity (it is important to see the most significant complex of interconnected and interdependent subsystems that make up an organization, for example, as in Japan: "subsystem of lifelong recruitment", "subsystem of training in the workplace", "subsystem of personnel rotation", "subsystem of reputation", "Subsystem of remuneration", which complement each other and ensure the growth of labor productivity, living standards and motivation of personnel, economic growth of the entire country);
  • the principle of one-man management and collegiality in the development of decisions (for the implementation of a collegially adopted decision, the head of the organization bears personal responsibility);
  • the principle of democratic centralism (means the need for a reasonable, rational combination of centralized and decentralized principles in management, the ratio of rights and responsibilities between management and the team, violation of this balance leads either to autocracy in management or to ochlocracy (crowd power));
  • the principle of the balance of power (basic law: the level of influence of the head on subordinates is equal to the degree of dependence of subordinates on the head);
  • the principle of optimal combination of sectoral (interests of organizations) and territorial interests (ecology, employment, social, cultural, ethnic and economic problems of the regions);
  • the principle of priority (sequence) of actions, taking into account the significance of the stages of work;
  • the principle of the optimal combination of positive synergy in the activities of the organization (through a common interest in the results of labor) and healthy competition (competition) between its members;


Management is an important part of the company's activities. Its further success in the market largely depends on the correct management of the organization.

There are many factors that affect the development of an organization, but all these factors can be divided into two groups: Factors of the external and internal environment.

Still, the main component of management is personnel management. It cases, all other things being equal, is of decisive importance for the successful development of the company. Human relations are the basis of a manager's activity.

List of used literature

1. Avdokushin E.F. "International Economic Relations", - Moscow, "Yurist", 2001.

2. Gerchikova I.N. "International economic organizations: regulation of world economic relations and business activities", - Moscow, JSC "Consultbankir", 2000.

3. Edited by EF Zhukov. "International economic relations", - Moscow, "Unity", 2000.

4. Edited by V.I. Samofalov. "World economy and international economic relations", - Rostov - on - Don, 2000.