Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

If I could be somebody else for a day (no life is perfect)

No life is perfect. It is impossible to get all existing things and emotions, because there are too many of them in the world. All of us have different talents, possibilities and ambitions. Many people are envy to the others because they think that they have better life.

Actually I like to be myself and to live own life with own stories, choices, mistakes and pleasant events. Maybe if I could return to the past with my actual knowledge and experience I’d have changed something. For example now, when I’m adult, I know that I certainly love music and have talent to it. I know that it is possible for me to learn foreign languages too. So I would surely not break up with my music lessons and I would study harder at school to get my dream job earlier. But all in all I’m satisfied with my own life experience.

Talking about being someone else, I think I would like to try to live a day of some popular musician, Adele for example. Because I’m pretty curious how is it to feel the huge stadium of people singing your songs being in love with you and your talent. Also it would be fun to relax after the concert having a party with other celebrities. It’s interesting what characters they are in real life. And of course it would be great not to think on money and to have possibility to stay in the best hotel of London and eat in the best restaurants food which I’ve never eaten in my life before.

The reality is cruel and we can’t exchange lives with somebody even for a day. But every day of our life can change the future. I’m sure that if you passionately want to have a different life and if you work hard to change it – it is possible to be anybody you want. And not for a day only, but for the rest of your life!