Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Do you agree with the statement: Fear can prevent people from pursuing their dreams?

The humans’ life is impossible without dreams. Dreams may be very simple (like to get a bicycle for birthday) or unrealizable (like the time travel). All people dream about something they could really pursue. But fears don’t let us do it.

For example, some girl wants to lose her weight and to become model shaped. She tries all possible diets and exercises but on certain point she ever gives up. Yes, maybe she’s lazy but very often such girls have a fear: a fear not to be successful in the result. They are afraid that all the power they use to fulfill the dream, all deprivations and hardships will be senseless. And what if other people would find out that the girl is a loser because she couldn’t be successful even in getting herself in shape? It’s shaming and humiliating!

And it brings us to the other destructive fear – the fear to look silly. Maybe somebody wants to become a famous singer, but thinks that he isn’t talented enough for it. Every night he dreams about standing on a stage giving a performance for a huge crowd of people. But the fear to be pelted with spoiled tomatoes doesn’t let him to pursue the dream.

The last fear I want to mention is the fear of being imperfect. It’s very hard for perfectionists to fulfill their dreams and even simple targets. They are permanently thinking that other people can do it better. Trying to do something perfect they become unsatisfied or even desperate. And of course it is disturbing them to make dreams come true.

I totally agree with the statement that our fears can prevent us from pursuing the dreams. But I think we should fight against our fears and do our best on the way to the happiness.