Автор Анна Евкова
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How to de come a good manager

In different areas of activity, in companies, various organizations, there must be a person who solves organizational issues, manages the organization and not only. In such a responsible job can not do without a manager.

In my understanding, a manager is a strong person who possesses such traits as leadership and determination. In our time, the profession manager has become very popular. In this regard, a very large number of varieties of this activity arose, for example: a sales manager, a personnel manager, a client relations manager, an office manager, a PR manager, and many others. I believe that such a vast number of varieties of managers loses the basic meaning, and the concept of this profession, as the basis lies than it seems.

A manager is a manager, a person who makes decisions, organizes their implementation and is responsible for their results.

The manager should be able to plan the activity correctly, that is, to determine how to make the most efficient use of the available material, temporary and human resources to accomplish the tasks assigned.

To make the right decisions, the manager must have deep professional knowledge, the ability to think logically, the ability to predict the results of certain actions. At the same time, it is important to constantly improve, since in all areas of human activity, progress does not stand still.

At the same time, the deepest knowledge will not give a positive effect if they are applied haphazardly. The manager should be clear about what tasks he faces in the short and long term. It is also important that he understand why he chose this work at all, what his main goal is.

Many famous managers, such as K. Matsusita, G. Ford and others believed that the main goal of any enterprise was the good of society. Only by moving towards this goal can we build a solid foundation for personal well-being. Following this principle, they have achieved brilliant results, and this is the best proof that it is worth imitating their attitude to work.

I think that the most important thing in the work of a manager is the ability to work with people. After all, usually the plans of the manager have to embody other employees. Obviously, they must be unanimous in their aspirations, must fulfill the part of the work assigned to them in good faith, with high quality, sharing the feeling of the correctness of what they are doing. Only by creating a benevolent, creative atmosphere in his team, giving each of his subordinates the opportunity to realize themselves and to show their best qualities and at the same time - by ensuring strict observance of labor discipline, the manager will be able to ensure the best performance of any tasks.

Obviously, it is impossible to immediately reach the heights. However, the correct, as it seems to me, understanding of the manager’s purpose allows me to hope for successful growth and solution of the most difficult tasks in this field.