Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

How globalization has affected me

First, a definition of the term "Globalization" should be given.

Globalization is a process of global economic, political, cultural and religious integration and unification.

Globalization is a characteristic feature of the processes of changing the structure of the world economy, understood as a combination of national economies, interconnected by a system of international division of labor, economic and political relations, by inclusion in the world market and close interweaving of the economy based on transnationalization and regionalization. On this basis, the formation of a single global network market economy - geoeconomics and its infrastructure, the destruction of the national sovereignty of states that have been the main actors in international relations for many centuries. The process of globalization is a consequence of the evolution of state-shaped market systems.

One of the main innovations of our time, which greatly influenced my life, has become - the Internet.

The Internet is a worldwide computer network created in the USA as a resource of the Ministry of Defense in 1969 and declassified worldwide access in the early 1990s. Give a chance:

  • instantly make contact with any user in every corner of the globe, conduct online conferences, meetings in real time in multimedia mode;
  • gain access to an unlimited amount of information;
  • communicate with any reference groups and representatives of various elites, thereby eliminating the factor of status differences;
  • use as a means of leisure and entertainment;
  • act as a learning tool;
  • carry out business;
  • advertise goods and services;
  • provide mobile communications and a comfortable existence;
  • significantly increase the effectiveness of interaction between citizens and government;
  • organize media in real time.

The presence and development of the Internet is an indicator of the inclusion of countries in the global space.

Many things created relatively recently affect the life of every person living in modern society in the 21st century.