Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.


Fear. Fear is what haunts most people on the planet. Someone is afraid of life, someone is afraid of death, someone is afraid of the outside world and people. Can fear prevent people from following their dreams? I think yes. Many are afraid to start something new because they are afraid of failures. Someone is afraid of ridicule and condemnation from others. That is why they are engaged in unloved work, they are studying an uninteresting profession. Someone wants to go abroad, but is afraid to fly on an airplane. Someone wants to learn how to ride a snowboard, but is afraid of being injured.

I also have fears. I did many things in life overcoming them. However, many of them still do not dare to start. However, I will surely overcome my fears and will fulfill my dreams, because otherwise life does not make sense. I do not want to regret in my old age that I did not dare to do it.

Success is harder than failure. To some extent, we are more comfortable to stay in not the most pleasant, but the usual conditions. To achieve success is to go on a walkless path. At it, you are waiting for close attention and criticism from others, more pressure and more responsibility.

Fear of becoming worse is well known to representatives of creative professions. It is about them that they often say: “written out”, “burned out”, “not the same one”. No one wants to succeed at such a price. However, if the public sees your achievements, someone will undoubtedly say unpleasant things about you. Including - that you are “not the same”

I think everyone should live by such a principle that one should not be afraid to change something. This is your life and your emotions; it does not matter what the people around say, it is not for them to live your life, let them take care of their own.