Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Who is hero for you?

One person that I care for very deeply is my dad. He is The reasons he means so much to me is because he helps me whenever I need help.

My dad takes a lot of care to make sure we are hail and healthy. If we are sick, he stumbles and keeps worrying until we are fine again. Only in those times I have realized the true affection he has on us. Only a few people in our life help us so that we can lead a happy life. But a father is the only person who works hard for the goodness of the family. If there can be a Super Hero in this world, it is my Dad and there is no one who can replace him.

My father is not a celebrity, he is not such recognizable face. My father is not a national hero, he is not a multi-millionaire. My father is just an average quiet man, whom I honour and respect.

My father’s name is Arman. He was born in 1976, in Tashkent, that’s in Uzbekistan. He is the second child of his parents.

When he was 18 he started to work, cause his parents were sick and helped to them like this way. In 19 years his dad died cause of illness and he had to became the breadwinner of the family at such young age.

I am very proud of my father, he coped with all the difficulties that fell on him at the age of a teenage.

He works hard to make money for our family happy.

I thank God every day for giving me such a loving and caring father. I also wish to see him in good health for the rest of my life.

And for this reason and many others my dad is my hero, he is my role model.