Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Fast food has a bad effect on our health

In the modern world, when time is of great importance, every person strives not to waste it in vain. Time is especially important for people who work hard and do not have enough free time to cook. In this case, fast food sometimes helps, which can be ordered in a very short period of time. However, excessive consumption of fast food leads to serious health problems. Let's deal with this.
What are the advantages of fast food: firstly, as mentioned above, very little time is spent on buying (or sometimes cooking) it, which greatly simplifies life. The same cannot be said. That fast foot tastes bad: It is because of its specific taste that many people overuse it, which leads to many health problems.

This is the main disadvantage of such dishes: most often they are prepared in abundant amounts of oil, salt, spices, and various chemical additives. Frequent consumption of fast food results in obesity, skin and digestive problems.

Thus, fast food greatly simplifies life for many people, and adds a touch of pleasant taste. But it is worth handling this with caution, since in large quantities fast food leads to serious negative consequences.