Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Each manager

Each manager, when creating an enterprise, sets for himself the main tasks and priority areas in the development of business and obtaining efficiency.

Skilful use and application of the concept of modern management in practice is usually the creation of a solid foundation based on scientific approaches, the creation of a process, system and situational approach, which are the key to the successful development of the enterprise.

Any created enterprise goes through a certain stage of development, which consists of certain stages and the head of this enterprise must clearly understand that for the successful functioning and development of the enterprise, achieving success is necessary to have available and certain resources.

The first resource that the manager uses is of course his own time, the second resource is the main one- Finance or as it is often called "initial capital", ie any undertaking can not do without capital, the Manager must clearly know and plan for the future year's profits, further investment, ability to manage credit, monitor the situation on the market, to be able to analyze and control business processes, planning is the primary stage of this process , as you know no business can do without employees, that is, with the development of the enterprise,it is the stage of recruiting qualified specialists(engineers , accountants, etc.), as well as the workforce, and each manager must be able to manage people.

In the process of work, the enterprise begins to acquire tools, equipment, computers,etc., to perform certain work, i.e. these assets are supposed to be called fixed assets and make decisions on their acquisition as part of the management mission.

A significant role in the development and functioning of the enterprise is given to information, i.e. information about the activities of the enterprise (advertising, placement on internet resources, etc.).

No enterprise activity can do without these management resources. Every manager should know certain management functions:

First of all, plan- set a goal, prepare events, which in turn was aimed to achieve the required goals, the second important is the organization of the work process, to create conditions and achieve the goals, of course, the motivation of employees, with a total goal of profit, neither process work can not do without control, which in turn lets you achieve your goals.In general, the functions of management are the ability to plan, organize work, control, manage people, create conditions for them and motivate them, to achieve the organization's goals.

At the present stage of crucial importance in control theory are problems of interaction with the external environment, changes in the external environment and the activities of individual companies, the orientation of the enterprise in the current situation. The search for solutions to these problems has led to the formation of a number of modern management concepts aimed at ensuring the effective operation of organizations in the modern world.

The most well-known (recognized) modern management concepts are: the concept of adaptation, the concept of global strategy and the concept of target orientation. The concept of adaptation. The essence of the concept of adaptation (or adaptation strategy) is that in real economic activity, the strategy of the organization is always a combination of the most profitable actions with the offset of environmental factors. These actions provide strategies for maneuvering in the distribution and redistribution of production and goods between specific enterprises located in different countries, depending on the level of production costs, labor costs, economic growth rates, and political stability of the country where they are located. The concept of a global strategy. It provides for the focus of management's attention on the need to develop a unified strategy aimed at optimizing the activities of the entire organization (enterprise, Corporation), and not its individual parts. Within the framework of the global strategy, there are various directions of this concept, including the global concept can be aimed at achieving many goals and focused on maximizing profits as the main goal of the organization; this direction is called the theory of multiple goals; the global concept can be aimed at optimizing all the activities (all types of activities) of the organization in order to maximize its profit; the global concept can be aimed at optimizing the organization's activities by better adapting its structure to the external environment and more effectively using its internal capabilities to maximize the organization's profit; * the global concept can be aimed at improving the main management functions in order to optimize (increase efficiency) the organization's activities.

The concept of target orientation. Orients the company to the organization of its activities with the dominant role of goal-setting at all stages of the management process (in the processes of planning, organization, control and motivation). These modern concepts and many other concepts of modern management, known from foreign publications, are aimed at improving the strategies of individual organizations in order to obtain the intended profits (achieve the goals). At the heart of modern management as a concept of market management is an objective process of socialization of production, as a result of which the largest companies have the opportunity: first, to influence the market by dividing it; Secondly, to influence the nature and mechanism of economic relations that regulate the relationship between the market and the producer. Management as a concept of market management is aimed at improving the organization of management of individual enterprises. This concept, more than others, reflects the relationship of individual enterprises with market relations, or rather, with the problem of regulating market relations. Attaching great importance to the regulation of market relations, modern researchers and management theorists place special emphasis on the need to adapt the enterprise to the requirements of the market for each specific product produced by the manufacturer.

Therefore, the organizational and technical aspect of this theory is aimed at the so-called "product planning", which covers a system of measures to study the market of a particular product, draw up programs and forecasts, develop and introduce a new product to the market, as well as measures to increase demand for goods and profit from their sale. The establishment and regulation of market relations according to this concept is based on the economic strength and scientific and production potential of the participants in these relations. Each company seeks not only to maintain its market share, but also to change it in its favor, pushing competitors, ruining or subjecting them to its influence and control. This concept of management not only provides a theoretical justification for the need to regulate the market in modern conditions, but also serves as a source of practical recommendations for the development of new forms and methods of economic activity of enterprises (corporations).

The implementation of management in the practical activities of enterprises acts as a management system. Modern management as a management science seeks to find and develop tools and methods that would contribute to: the most effective achievement of the organization's goals; increase labor productivity and profitability of production based on the prevailing conditions in the internal and external environment of the organization. This has led to the emergence and development in modern management of new approaches to management, focused on solving the problems of large industrial organizations, including transnational corporations.