Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Do you think slowing down the Internet would increase or decrease stress

We use the Internet in our daily life every day. For some, the Internet is a source of income, for others it is a way to escape from difficult everyday life, and someone makes new acquaintances through the Internet, finds friends, loved ones, communicates with relatives who are far from them. The use of the Internet has become a habit among people all over the planet, therefore every year the population uses more and more traffic and speeds up the Internet.

On the one hand, it is worth limiting the use of the Internet. For the past ten years, technology has developed at a high rate. They are pulling people into their cybernetic networks. Many people abuse the use of the Internet, sometimes forget about loved ones if they only sit on social networks, endlessly watch videos or play online games. The internet often hurts real communication. People who do not communicate with other people in real life can abandon all business, communicating only with the Internet. They will start to waste away and stop caring for themselves. Even their own children are no longer interested in such people. Fire and flooding in the homes of those who like to sit on the net happen precisely because of their carelessness and complete loss of time - people forget food on the stove turned on or do not turn off the tap in the bathroom.

On the other hand, the Internet and its speed provide some advantages. People who surf the Internet or use the network to work often purchase high-speed Internet to improve the quality of their connection. It is important for such people that the interlocutor is perfectly heard, and the video communication is not interrupted, since it is important to conduct negotiations correctly. There are people who make money by playing online games by recording a professional stream. It is important for such people that the frame rate does not drop when showing a recording of a game online for a thousand or several thousand users who are watching it at a given time. He is paid for good content, and he pays for good Internet traffic speed.

I believe that lowering the Internet speed will affect the overall tension, because people are used to speed, it will be difficult for them to stop using the opportunity to transmit their feelings and emotions, text over a distance. I often get stressed when my internet stops working or starts to slow down. At this moment, I can do an important thing - work or take exams online. Speed ​​is important here, as you can often miss the time. When my girlfriend and I are watching a movie, it is important that it is not interrupted, as you want to watch everything in one breath.

In conclusion, since the Internet is now the main source of information, communication and entertainment, it would be unwise to restrict traffic usage and return data rates to an older, lower level. Slowing down the internet speed will lead to increased social tensions as people stop enjoying this miracle of technology.