Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Do you think slowing down the Internet would increase or decrease stress?

Researchers believe that slow internet download speeds can cause a severe stress response.

According to scientists from Ericsson, the slow Internet negatively affects the mental health of a person. They conducted an experiment in which 20 volunteers participated. Volunteers were divided into three groups and asked to complete a set of tasks for a certain time. At the same time, the devices for the two groups were programmed to work with failures. In the first group there was a normal and fast connection, in the second - the loading time of the Internet pages should have been longer by 4-6 seconds, and in the third - by 10-14 seconds. Each video played in the second and third groups was supposed to slow down. During the experiment, scientists studied the brain activity of the participants, their pulse and eye movements. Based on these data, the stress level was calculated. The research data showed that delaying video playback led to an increase in stress levels of 3-6%, and inhibition of video during playback increased it by another 15%. The participants seemed to start to panic: their eyes were running, and the pulse was quickening. According to scientists, the slow Internet provoked stress, comparable to the stress of watching horror films or solving math problems. At the same time, he was lower than the stress from waiting in lines or from being on the edge of a cliff in virtual reality.

For me, I think that a slow Internet will not change my life, because most of the time I work. I use the Internet only for study and work. But maybe sometimes it can scare me when I upload my textbooks, audio, video. However, seriously, the Internet is a cool thing, but it's not life. Sometimes I just want to go to a village, to any village, buy a house and just “turn off” this whole world. This whole Internet world makes people sick, we all need a weekend. The weekend, when we can stop and just be in silence, do not rush anywhere.

Let's think globally. Slowing down the Internet will make many companies work slowly, online stores will work slowly, check-in at the airport will probably also be slow. What does it mean? Our life will slow down.

We can conclude that the slow Internet increases the level of stress, but the choice is always ours.