Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Do you think slowing down the Internet would increase or decrease stress?

Yes, I suppose that's true. In my opinion, this is due to the fact that modern people live in a completely different environment compared to the environment in which people lived in the past. The modern world teaches people to a large amount of information and a large concentration of attention, which is not typical for people of the past and is not a natural state for a person. In this case, people react to an artificially created situation in the same way that evolution has taught them to react to a natural state, because stress is, among other things, aggression, a reaction to the danger that an unusual or unnatural state may present.

As for me, I think it will not change my life, because most of the time I work. I use internet just for studying and working. But, maybe sometimes this could freak me out when I download my textbooks, audio of videos.

If you follow the theory and research of scientists, a person experiences quite a lot of stress if the speed of data transfer on the Internet decreases and videos on a smartphone or computer start to hang. Scientists created a research project "Stress with video stream delays" and asked 200 volunteers to watch videos on smartphones and tablets. The researchers measured heart rate, brain activity, and eye movement speed. If the video was running without delay, the person's condition was neutral, but as soon as the video hung for a few seconds, the heart rate of the subject noticeably increased. It turns out that when the speed of Internet downloads decreases, a person experiences emotional stress, as if under severe stress. Such disturbances are very harmful to the psyche and can cause serious diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Slowing down the internet will make a lot of companies work slowly, online stores will be slowly, airport check-in probably will be slowly too. What does this mean? Our lives will slow down. Internet influence on our lives, but does this mean that it became our life? So after all these thoughts, my answer is: first of all, of course it will increase stress.