Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Do you like the story? Why

William Somerset Maugham was one of the most successful dramatics and short-story writers as well as a novelist of considerable rank. In his writings he ridiculed the many human vices, such as snobbishness, self-interest, money-worship. For his honesty and blatant irony, William Somerset Maugham and was recognized as one of the best known English writers of the present day.

A short story called "The Creative Impulse" tells of a writer named Mrs. Forrester. Her life is literature and art. She wrote numerous works, a volume of poems or of prose every few years, because she respected her talent, tried to return in the fashion of a genre like the ode, and critics praised her creation, revered for her talent, but nobody bought it, and even in America she was not popular at all. It's always sad when people deprive themselves of such pleasure as to enjoy the unparalleled work where there is a place of poetry, humor, satire. Nobody wanted to see the talent of Mrs. Forrester until one day on the shelves appeared detective "Statue of Achilles". But how did this happen? After many years she tried to grab the attention of the reader. The answer is simple, Mrs. Forrester gained a new point of view on some things, and helped her to see it was someone who betrayed and left her.

One creative evening, she brought a letter from her husband Albert, in which he writes that he is leaving her to cook because he got tired of her creative nature. Thinking that it was a joke, she goes to the cook home to clarify the situation, but her husband confirms every word written on the paper. Cook and albert asks Mrs. Forrester why she does not write detective stories, describe several scenes of the girl in the red dress and the man with a gold watch. And it turns out that all in all the years the husband of Mrs. Forrester didn't read any of her works, only detectives. It upset the woman and she left. On the way home she sees a man with a gold watch on the hand, and following him. He leads her to the statue of Achilles, at this moment comes to her desire to create. She no longer remembers the traitor husband, the creative process completely covers her that eventually leads her detective to a resounding success.

I really enjoyed this story, as it is true to life, with hints of humor and very interesting. It teaches us not to dwell on problems, to go to success and not to lose yourself.