Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Do you agree or disagree with the statement: you cannot measure success by money

There is an opinion that the more successful a person is, the richer they are. The signs of success are different for each of us – for some it is expensive premium cars, and for others it is a sense of importance in the circle of close people. Everyone strives for success in various areas of life: success in a career, success with the opposite sex, and so on. Many believe that the criterion of success is the position in society. Almost all poor people claim that only having a certain amount of money brings happiness and success.

Success is the ability to be aware of your goals and find ways to achieve them. More specifically, the list of attributes of success is wide and multi-faceted: fame, respect, importance in society, fame in certain circles, financial independence, rise up the career ladder, love from loved ones. To achieve the intended heights, you need to make a lot of physical, mental and psychological efforts. Continuous self-development is an essential aspect of true success. Successful people often say that time is money. Successful people constantly increase the value of their time through training. In today's world, it is impossible to imagine real success without continuous professional development and other skills that affect the effectiveness of your work. Most successful people do not have aristocratic roots or higher education. First of all, successful people tend to have a positive attitude to life, even to failures. Where others give up, successful people always try again and again. Every successful person always has clear goals — for the day, for the week, for the year. He devotes his life to the endless search for opportunities to achieve these goals. Many people idolize such people, because the one who was able to break out "in people", climb to the top of the career ladder and start earning a huge amount of money is an idol, a role model, a classic portrait of a successful person.

In this way, the key to success in any activity is workaholism with maximum impact. To make your plans come true — to achieve success, you will have to work hard. Our success is influenced by many facets — how we conduct our business, how we interact with others, how we spend our free time, how we suppress negative emotions, how we develop, how we evaluate ourselves. All this is the key to the success of successful people.