Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Currently, there is a rapid and rapid development of the hotel services market

Currently, there is a rapid and rapid development of the hotel services market. One of the leading tourist centers of our country, where the hospitality industry is most developed, is Moscow. In the hotel industry, Moscow is not only the Russian, but also the European leader. In the Russian market there are the most famous international hotel brands. Over the past 20 years, hotels with world names have appeared in Moscow and St. Petersburg - Sheraton, Marriott, Corinthia, Novotel, Rocco Forte, Kempiski and many others. In connection with the increase in the level of hotel business in Russia, the requirements for personnel working in this area have also increased. Whereas previously in Russia they preferred to invite foreign specialists to leading positions in the hospitality industry, today 85% of managers with a high level of knowledge are represented by Russian specialists. The modern nature of tourist demand is shaped by subjective factors. With the advent of new values ​​in human psychology, profound changes are taking place. They are caused by the following points: more free, direct self-expression and self-affirmation by the person of his physical and spiritual data; reviewing relationships with other individuals, social groups, and institutions; the formation of a different attitude towards nature. The factors considered have identified profound shifts in tourist consumption. With an increase in the amount of free time against the background of a deterioration in the general economic situation in the recreational behavior of the population, two main trends are revealed - the fragmentation of the vacation period and the growth of short trips. In the early 80's. in Austria and the UK more than 20% of the population went on vacation in summer and winter, and 10% went on trips three or more times a year. A similar situation has developed in Italy, Germany, and other developed countries in Europe. Finally, fundamental changes are taking place in the style of relaxation. Passive pastime on the beach, although it remains the most common form of vacation, is less and less in line with the process of growing diversification of individual requests. In place of the "three S" sea-sun-beach (Sea-Sun-Sand) gradually comes the formula "three L" national traditions-landscape-leisure (Lore-Landscape-Leisure). It is in the best way consistent with the new values ​​that are affirmed in human psychology and are expressed in the behavior and thinking of a modern tourist. The concentration of production in the tourism industry is carried out in two ways: internal and external. In the first case, enlargement occurs within a separate business unit due to the capitalization of profit (internal growth). In the second case, the economic power of a monopolistic entity is concentrated as a result of cooperation (cooperation) or association (merger) of a wide range of enterprises. An important condition for attracting tourists to the region is to increase the comfort of hotels and the quality of service. It is advisable to install a videophone and a computer connected to the global network in each room to send any information. The popularity of hotel-museums, that is, old private hotels, in terms of comfort corresponding to international standards, but preserving the unique charm of antiquity, is growing.