Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Computers are powerful calculation tool

Computers are powerful calculation tool. Computer technology by itself directed to develop electronic calculation and transfer difficult tasks from people to machines. Modern processors can make millions simple operations per a second.

Nowadays we use computers in each part of our life. Thanks to them, we can do quickly and simply our every day activities. Further I,d like to tell you some benefits of using computers:

  1. A computer saves our time, energy and sources to finish certain tasks.
  2. People use computers to pay their bills, watch films, listen music, play games and connect with their friends.
  3. A computer is used in various spheres: medicine, economic, transport, industry and others.
  4. If you have connection with internet and necessary software, you may get knowledge, which you need. It is very simply than finding information in libraries, newspapers and fiction.
  5. For connecting we can use e-mail. This is more simple than writing letters handily. Also these letters sending and delivering more faster than if they sending by postal services.
  6. Computer is cheap and multifunction media center. It can change recorder, video-player, TV-set, game console and more other devices.
  7. And also, computer technology made possible free-lance like a job, a pfofession. Now you can earn money and you don't need go out home.

Thus, modern computers make our life better and help us with doing our tasks and projects. With computers humanity make big step in future. But we need to remember, that computers are only machines, which was invented by people, and their main purpose - helping people.