Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Civilization and progress

Civilization and progress. For most of us, these two notions are almost equal. After all, they describe the majority of what modern man observes around himself, living in a technically developed information society. Cinemas and various sites on the Internet, computerization in society and technology of production of complex devices. Only by progress do people most often understand the process of transition from a primitive to a civilized society. Reforms in the state are part of the progress, and the research of the scientists is too. And the term “Civilization” in the words of ordinary people usually means the final stage of progress - when society has reached the highest level. Computers, mobile phones, trains, megacities are all signs of civilization.

Notion of progress has a scientific definition: a global, world-historical process of the ascent of human societies from primitive states (wildness) to the heights of a civilized state based on the highest achievements. That is, almost everything that a person creates and develops: it is a process of progress society. Even your any act, slightly improving something - this is progress.

Civilization, according to one of the definitions, is the stage of the world historical process associated with the achievement of a certain level of sociality; differently, it is the totality of the material, technical and spiritual achievements of humanity during this process. The concepts of "civilization" are many, but they all mean just about one and the same. In the world them huge amount - for example, Western civilization, the Muslim world or the already destroyed Mayan civilization.

From this it is clear that progress and civilization are very close, often even cumulative notions. In the modern society in which we live, they even coincide. But this is not everywhere true.

Somewhere in Africa, now living tribes of primitive society. According to statistics, there are still a few dozen tribes that have never been in contact with the outside world. They have not achieved and do not seek to achieve "a certain level of sociality," that is, what we call development and progress.

They do not have the main feature of a civilized society - there is no state. There is no written language, no technical innovations, no laws and rights - there are only customs of the tribe. These tribes are definitely not civilized.

Progress is definitely the basis on which any civilization grows. Without it, there would never be a civilization. Society began with sticks and stones, and ended with computers and freedom of speech. This is the final path of progress - civilization.