Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Characteristics of business ethics

Overall ethics includes a system of universal and specific moral requirements and norms of behavior implemented in the process of social life. Accordingly, ethics of business relations is based on the general rules of behavior developed by people.

Almost all areas of business ethics have rules applicable to overall ethical behavior. In addition, all areas of business ethics, without exception, are based on fundamental ethical standards. These include respect for the self-esteem and personal status of another person, an understanding of the interests and motives of others, social responsibility for their psychological security, etc.

The relevance of the topic chosen for the essay can be attributed to the fact that the requirements for the manager’s professional quality, in the conditions of our market economy, are becoming higher and are tied to world-class standards. In the leading Western organizations ethical competence is very important nowadays. 145

Business ethics indicates the way how participants should behave in business relations. Modern business ethics should be based on two key points:

  • company’s profit and other income are treated as a result of
    achieving various socially significant goals.
  • an interpersonal relationships must be prior to company’s production.

So, in the relationship of the organization with customers, the key principles should be the following ones:

  • the company must provide their customers with goods and services of the highest quality in accordance with their requirements;
  • make the necessary effort to ensure that the goods and services maintain or improve the health and safety of customers and the environment;
  • guarantee respect for human dignity in the products offered, marketing and advertising; respect the customers culture.
  • treat your customers honestly in all aspects of their business, providing a needed level of service to meet their needs;

In conclusion, it can be said that its important to develop an ethical norms in the company. This way it is possible to ensure that all of the employees will be satisfied with their activities. As a result, the company's profits and overall image will improve, so more companies will see you as a favorable partner.