Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Casual leisure and serious leisure.

Every person needs rest, it takes time to rest from the routine. Everyone decides how to spend this time. In life there are different types of entertainment, serious and casual.

Serious can be considered the time in which a person does something serious for example: study, volunteering, playing sports and so on. Serious time is what you need "in the future."

And casual: barbecue, games on the Internet. Accidental consider those moments when spending time on something that does not help "in the future."

Almost every person needs a little time to relax and to do his favorite things. Hobbies and leisure are perfect for this. Unfortunately, I do not have much free time during the week, as I study and study a lot, but when I am, I try to spend it as much as possible. My hobbies are reading, listening to music and spending time with friends. Twice a week I work with language tutors. In the summer I can devote time only to myself and not to study, and to do than sports and entertainment. I especially like to go to historical places to visit historical cities. In general, I want to say that people should have leisure. Otherwise, life would be boring.