Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

According to the idea of this essay I should tell you about my talisman, that is, about the thing that is dear to me and brings good luck

According to the idea of this essay, I should tell you about my talisman, that is, about the thing that is dear to me and brings good luck. This is quite easy, because I have such a thing for a long time. My lucky charm is an old silver chain that was given to me by my grandmother when I was only 15 years old. On it I wear several rings with different inscriptions.
One ring with the words of the Beatles song "All we need is love". And, although I don't consider myself a fan of the Beatles, but I like their songs, especially this phrase.
The other ring I brought from the Vatican is engraved with the prayer of Our Father in Latin (Pater Noster). I like Latin, and I learned this prayer in Latin a long time ago. And another ring I brought from Israel, it has an inscription in Hebrew from the Song of Songs of King Solomon. In many ways, these rings symbolize me, the sphere of my interests and reflect the internal contradictions that take place. For example, both the attraction to the people of Israel (with a few drops of Jewish blood in me) and the attraction to the Catholic Church. However, the amount of Jewish blood is clearly not enough to fully feel my belonging to this great nation. And the desire for Catholicism comes into conflict with the unwillingness to forgive the Catholic Church the era of the Inquisition, Joan of Arc and all the others.
And these rings, bought at different times, in different moods, each carry its own symbol and store nostalgic memories of my travels. At the same time, they really bring me luck, I believe. So I try not to go to important meetings without this chain. Many of my friends consider it just a stylish accessory, praise my taste and ingenuity – how I came up with the idea of wearing it. In fact, at some point I was just getting a lot better, and the rings became too small for me, so they moved to the chain. And then the habit remained, especially since it looks really original and beautiful. Sometimes people call me the Lord of the Rings because of this.